Restaurant Licence and Provisional Restaurant Licence
Bakery Licence and Provisional Bakery Licence
Cold Store Licence and Provisional Cold Store Licence
Factory Canteen Licence and Provisional Factory Canteen Licence
Food Factory Licence and Provisional Food Factory Licence
Temporary Food Factory Licence
Fresh Provision Shop Licence and Provisional Fresh Provision Shop Licence
Frozen Confection Factory Licence and Provisional Frozen Confection Factory Licence
Milk Factory Licence and Provisional Milk Factory Licence
Siu Mei and Lo Mei Shop Licence and Provisional Siu Mei and Lo Mei Shop Licence
Composite Food Shop Licence and Provisioinal Composite Food Shop Licence
Restricted Food Permits
Food Licence/Permit
Karaoke Establishment Permit and Provisional Karaoke Establishment Permit in Restaurant
Other Trade Licences, namely Commercial Bathhouse Licence, Funeral Parlour Licence, Offensive Trade Licence, Swimming Pool Licence andUndertaker's Licence
Places of Public Entertainment Licence and Temporary Places of Public Entertainment Licence
Liquor Licence
Restaurants, bakeries, cold stores, factory canteens, food factories, temporary food factories, fresh provision shops, frozen confection factories, milk factories, siu mei and lo mei shops and composite food shops are all required to obtain licences from the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) under the Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance (Cap. 132) and other relevant legislation. FEHD also issues permits for the sale of restricted foods, such as non-bottled drinks, frozen confections, milk and milk beverages, cut fruit, Chinese herb tea, leung fan, sushi, sashimi, oysters to be eaten in raw state, meat to be eaten in raw state, live fish, shell fish and food sold by means of vending machines, and for operating karaoke establishments in restaurants. Licences are only issued to food premises if they conform to the prescribed safety and hygiene standards laid down by law.
Flow Chart Showing the Licensing Procedures by FEHD
Trade licences are required for operating (a) commercial bathhouses, funeral parlours, offensive trades, swimming pools and undertakers; (b) places of public entertainment, including cinemas, theatres, entertainment machine centres and exhibition venues; and (c) temporary places of public entertainment including charity shows or religious ceremonies held temporarily by Kai Fong or other commodities, circuses holding temporarily and dance parties holding temporarily.
Guesthouse Licence
Amusement Game Centre Licence (AGCL)
Amusements with Prizes Licence (APWL)
Mahjong/Tin Kau Licence
Public Dance Hall Licence
Massage Establishment Licence
Irradiating Apparatus Licence
Radioactive Substances Licence
Licensing Office of Residential Care Homes for Persons with Disabilities (LORCHD)
Licensing of a Residential Care Home for the Elderly (RCHE)
Billiard Establishment Licence
Public Bowling-alley Licence
Public Skating Rink Licence
Application for First Registration of Clinic
Food Safety Ordinance
Restricted Food Permit for Online Sales or Offer for Sales of Prepackaged Restricted Food Without Handling and Storage of Food for Sale on Business Premises)